By ReachOut Content Team
Published 06 September 2023

Technical questions

I can't sign up to ReachOut

Oh no! Assuming you've tried everything (you've found the sign up button, given all the relevant details, made sure all the boxes are filled out etc.), it might just be a bug in the system. Double check that you've entered all your details correctly and if it still doesn't work, contact us and we'll help you out.

I can't log in to ReachOut

Assuming you've tried everything (you've found the sign up button, given all the relevant details, made sure all the boxes are filled out etc.), it might just be a bug in the system.

Double check that you've entered all your details correctly and if it still doesn't work, contact us and we'll help you out.

I can't post in the Online Community

Unfortunately, you can't participate in Online Community discussions until you become a member. However, if you have signed up and you're logged in but you still can't post in the forums, contact us and we'll see what the problem is.

My password won't work

If you've forgotten your password or it just doesn't seem to be working for you, click on the 'Forgot your password?' link just above the password text box. We can then send you an email with a new password for you to use.

About ReachOut

Who runs ReachOut?

Since our launch in 1998, ReachOut has been connecting and supporting young people, and their parent, carer and teacher networks to a range of free mental health services that are available when and where they need it. We make it easy for young people to connect on their terms, at any time, from anywhere.

As the pioneer of an online model of mental health support for young people all over Australia, we have continued to evolve. Today, we are recognised as one of the leading providers of specialist support for young people on the journey towards better mental health. We are helping to change the lives of young people for the better.

ReachOut is a registered not-for-profit based in Sydney but our services are accessed all over Australia. We employ around 60 great people who work across service delivery, research, digital, marketing and organisation support. We also partner with heaps of other organisations to make sure every person who visits ReachOut finds the help they are looking for.

Does ReachOut cost anything to use?

No, ReachOut is completely free to use.

Where does ReachOut get its funding from?

ReachOut is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. We receive additional support from corporate partnerships and community and philanthropic donations.

What health conditions does this service help with?

ReachOut doesn't offer treatment of specific conditions, but we have resources about a wide range of mental health conditions, as well as everyday challenges that young people experience.ReachOut is designed to give you information and strategies you can use to feel better, but it isn't a treatment service.

Does ReachOut provide counselling?

No, ReachOut is not a counselling service. If you are looking to receive online counselling support, check out our help section for information on services which provide phone and online support.

Are health professionals involved in delivering the service?

Yes – we have a number of employees who are health professionals. We also regularly seek advice from a group of clinicians, including medical doctors and psychologists. When appropriate, we also partner with external clinicians to consult on or deliver services.

Does ReachOut allow my carer, family member or support person to work with me to use the service?

You are welcome to share any ReachOut resources with anyone who can support you. There is also a separate service for parents and carers of young people.

Do young people benefit from using ReachOut?

As shown in our recently published Impact Study , young people using ReachOut experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, and in their suicide risk. There was also an increase in help-seeking behaviour. With 70 per cent of young people not seeking help for a mental health issue, ReachOut’s online service addresses many of the barriers to help-seeking, including stigma, embarrassment and a preference for self-reliance.

However, ReachOut is not designed as a treatment service for mental health issues, like anxiety or depression.

Were people with lived experience involved in developing ReachOut’s services?

At ReachOut, we pride ourselves on partnering with young people with lived experience. Here are some of the ways we work with people with lived experience:

  • Conducting research to get feedback about ReachOut, so we can improve our services

  • Featuring personal stories written by or filmed with people with lived experience

  • Recruiting and training Youth Ambassadors, who are young people with lived experience that share their stories at ReachOut events, partner events and in the media

  • Consulting with people with lived experience to create the PeerChat service, which provides one-on-one peer support with a peer worker, who is professional who has been trained to use their lived experience to help others.

Could using this service cause me harm?

ReachOut prioritises safety when designing and delivering our services. ReachOut is not intended to be a crisis service, and is not intended to replace assessment or treatment with a health professional.

The majority of people accessing ReachOut report feeling better afterwards. We aren’t aware of adverse effects of using ReachOut.

Does this service link with other health services?

You are welcome to use ReachOut's resources together with our other services, like NextStep or PeerChat .

ReachOut also recommends other relevant services, like other mental health organisations and hotlines, in our resources, so you can see some options on where to go next.

How does ReachOut meet national healthcare standards?

What are my healthcare rights?

By law, you have the right to:

  • access healthcare services that meets your needs

  • receive safe and high quality health care in an environment that makes you feel safe

  • be treated as an individual with dignity and respect

  • ask questions and make decisions about your healthcare

  • be given clear information about your health and treatment

  • have your privacy respected, and information about you kept secure and confidential

  • give feedback, share your experience and have any concerns addressed transparently.

ReachOut is committed to ensuring your healthcare rights are respected when you access our services. For more information about your healthcare rights, check out the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights here .

Is ReachOut confidential?

Yes, ReachOut is confidential. To visit the site you don’t need to provide any information that identifies you. However if you’d like to sign up as a member and comment or post, we do ask you for some information like your email, gender and age. We only use this information for our own research and would only share it without your consent if there was a serious or imminent risk to you or someone else, or if required to by law. For more info, check out our privacy policy .

Fundraising, school and events

Where can I order ReachOut merchandise?

To order ReachOut merch, have a look at our Ordering merchandise page where you can pick what you want and we’ll send it straight to you.

Can I fundraise for ReachOut?

Yes, please do! To find out how you can raise money for ReachOut, check out our fundraising page .

Can you come and talk at my school/uni/workplace?

ReachOut is unable to provide speakers to talk about mental health in general, give advice about mental health issues or talk about specific issues young people are facing.

However, we do have a network of young volunteers who are sometimes available to give talks about ReachOut and what it’s like to volunteer.

Contact us if you would like someone to come to your school and talk about ReachOut.

I need an interview/information for my assignment/research project. Can you help me?

Unfortunately we are unable to provide detailed information for assignments, research projects, presentations or any other school/uni work. If you’re looking for more information on various issues, check out the menu above. If you want to know more about ReachOut, check out the Get involved in ReachOut page .

Does ReachOut have an intern program?

Internships for ReachOut are usually based in Sydney. Any available positions will be advertised on Join the team .

I want to advertise my research study on ReachOut

Researchers must always seek approval before posting research surveys or interview links anywhere on ReachOut. Any unauthorised advertising will be removed.

ReachOut does occasionally promote research looking for participants to our members, however our capacity to do so is very limited. There may be times when we can let select audiences know about research opportunities if it is particularly relevant to their interests.

If you wish to request promotion of your research study, you can contact us . Please include the following information in your email:

  • how you intend to fulfil your duty of care obligations to participants (the risks and how you are managing them)

  • details of any ethics approval that has been granted to the research.

How can I get in contact with ReachOut?

To get in contact with ReachOut, use the contact us page .

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